Westpark Cemetery, Avalon Cemetery, Carletonville Cemetery, Ennerdale Cemetery, Greenhills Cemetery, Kagiso Cemetery, Kromvlei Cemetery, Mohlakeng Cemetery, New Roodepoort Cemetery, Olifantsvlei Cemetery, Sterkfontein Cemetery, Toekomsrus Cemetery, Westonaria Cemetery and many more.
A tombstone for your lost family member ought to be both extremely beautiful and unique, as it is the lasting memorial for your loved one. Of course, you will spend hours picking out the perfect message, which is truly not an easy task – how is it that we have established a tradition in which we attempt to memorialize someone’s entire life in just a few lines, permanently engraved on a headstone?
However, your loved one is worth more than just a few lines – many families are now engraving various tombstone images above the message. This practice allows you to create a truly unique tombstone that showcases the spirit and passion of your family member. However, there are a lot of considerations that you need to take into account before you decide to take this route.
First and foremost, you will need to check with the cemetery in which your loved one will be entombed – each individual cemetery has its own regulations and guidelines for decorations that must be strictly adhered to. After all, you would not want to invest all of your time, money, energy, and emotions into a project only to have it be disapproved by red tape wielders who will not make an exception.
Next, you will want to consider the material of the tombstone. Not all materials have been created equally, and some are better for images than others. Headstones can be made from a variety of materials.
Rock materials include granite, slate, marble, sandstone, fieldstone, or lime. Metal headstones are typically made of bronze but could include alloys or other types of metal, depending on the company you contract.
As before, check with the cemetery to see if there are any restrictions on materials within their boundaries. The Tombstone Company use only good quality Granite for their Tombstones.
After you choose your material, you may be faced with the choice of color– designs will not show up equally on all material colours, so this is a fairly important concern. Depending on the choice of material, this may and may not be relevant.
However, if you have chosen granite or marble – particularly good picks for withstanding weather and remaining beautiful through time – you can get a variety of colours, including white, red, black and brown, or any other options available. Fourth, you will need to choose the shape of your tombstone, as that will predicate what your options are for engraving.
Tombstones images usually come in different shapes and only you can decide which is best for your loved one, but remember that shape will influence the design you choose. Last, but certainly not least, you will need to research the image you are planning on engraving in the tombstone.
Technology now exists that allows companies to laser etch a photo of the deceased directly onto the tombstone; however, there are many other design templates you may choose as opposed to having a personal depiction of your loved one on display in public.
Regardless of what tombstone image or tombstone pictures you decide on, you should verify that they are allowed within the cemetery, as they may have specific rules or prohibitions. If you choose not to engrave a personal picture, make sure that you fully research the symbol. You should know its full meaning and significance so that you can ensure that it appropriate to showcase in a public sphere, and fully honours your loved one.
Hopefully, the symbol will also have had a definitive significance to your lost family member. If you feel overwhelmed, you can always ask us for help, or you can plan in advance so your family members do not have to consider all of these things while they are grieving your loss. Also, have a look at some pictures of Tombstones in our Catalogue
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